Miiiiiiiight finish the Jaaaaag this week?

Illustration for article titled Miiiiiiiight finish the Jaaaaag this week?

Just did the brake bleed and it went shockingly well. No broken bleed screws. No bubbles. Those who suggest the Motive Power Bleeder were 100% accurate. Not sure why I’ve been messing with the MightyVac before this.


Now the only non-reassembly based tasks are:

  1. Reinstall bleed nipple covers
  2. Spark plugs

  3. Mod air box
  4. Replace thermostat

That is it. The rest is just putting stuff back and bleeding the cooling system.

Getting excited to get the big cat back on the road and figure out what I screwed up.

Illustration for article titled Miiiiiiiight finish the Jaaaaag this week?