The stress of a first road test

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Nothing quite like the first road test after a long and/or complicated maintenance cycle. The excitement, the fear, the... well ok mostly fear for me. Constant situational awareness too.


What was that noise?

Did the brakes always feel like that?

Is that temperature too high?

Did the car always sit like this?

Oh god what is that smell? Is that the car or the world?

Is this different? I can’t tell if this is different?

No really what is that smell!?

I’m happy to say the smell was not the Jag (or me) and everything seemed to go fine. No sudden weirdness. No (new) fault codes. Hell the radio didn’t even cut out which is... something.


The performance seems... different? The supercharger certainly gets louder quicker, which would make sense, and I’ve never had a good butt feel for how fast this car is so... that seems fine.

I did discover one bad thing:

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My new key chain tickles my knee while I drive! Laying it on my knee was the only way to get it to stop.

I’m actually kinda bummed about that.

After meandering until the road ran out and then meandering some more I ended up lost and used the nav to get myself home.


Soon afterwards I had a moment of alarm when out of the corner of my eye I saw something flash on the dash.

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Turns out this thing does turn by turn in the dash, which is neato if mostly useless.

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All in all my test drive took me a little over an hour and through parts of the area I’d never been... several of which I don’t think I’ll be returning to as they were quite... rough. But I’m happy to report the Jag did well and I can put a pin in this particular maintenance cycle.

On to the next car!