Waiting on USPS... again

Arg. Once again waiting on parts. The piece I’m waiting on (new handlebars for the project bicycle) was supposed to arrive Thursday.


Ordered Sunday.

Shipped Monday.

Lost in the system 3 hours and 9 minutes after shipping.

Three hours and nine minutes!

That must be a record or something!

Illustration for article titled Waiting on USPS... again

And ignore that June 19th lie. That is clearly a digital band-aid USPS put on their tracking that automatically updates every day to “Everything is fine!”

This was it on Wednesday:

Illustration for article titled Waiting on USPS... again

And then on Thursday it magically changed!

Illustration for article titled Waiting on USPS... again

But ultimately hasn’t moved. So much so I no longer get the “expected delivery” banner. Just “Nah its cool man!”

At least it isn’t a $250 pulley I need to put my car back together...


And yes, as discussed in that post I realize USPS is seriously overworked and understaffed right now and my bike parts aren’t exactly medical supplies. The point of a rant is to make me feel better, not point out how huge portions of the population have much, much better things to worry about.

I ordered a backup on Thursday but it isn’t supposed to arrive until Sunday. However is ALSO shipped USPS so.... Time to order a third?


Nah if the 2nd falls through I’ll hit up the good local bike shop and have them set me up with a new stem and drop bars because fuck it.

Thank you for coming to my rant. Off to work on something else...