Arg - Car repairs, delays, and existential dread

Illustration for article titled Arg - Car repairs, delays, and existential dread
Photo: Akio

Six days until I take off on my trip and (not to sound like David Trac[e]y) I am way behind from where I need to be.


Last week was mostly consumed with a last minute decision to participate in the Oppo Hunt. It has been a lot of fun, but as we’ve knocked out a lot of the low hanging fruit things are about to get a lot more difficult. Still, we (#DumpsterFireSupportCrew) were briefly in the top 10 so... mission accomplished?

ANYWAY, this weekend ended up being a wash too. Friday was consumed with the Oppo hunt. Saturday was a mix of (virtual) social engagements, shopping, and waiting on roofers that never showed. Sunday was spent recovering from Saturday. Holy shit hangovers suck after 30.


So today, roofers be dammed, I pulled the Disco into the driveway to see what I could see. I needed to check the following:

  1. Shock mounting tightness
  2. Panhard rod bushings
  3. Driveshaft U-joints

The shocks were easy enough and much to my disappointment were quite tight. Turns out using a torque wrench and locktite means your shit stays together. I don’t love the shocks that are on there and wouldn’t mind replacing them... as I don’t really see any problems with them I can’t justify it at this time.


I did find a friend while I was checking though.

Illustration for article titled Arg - Car repairs, delays, and existential dread
Photo: Akio

How odd.

After mistakenly checking the radius arm bushings (all good) I checked the panhard rod bushings and they were tight. I’ll check the again with the tires on the ground, just to be sure.


So I guess I have no choice but to pull the front driveshaft tonight and have it checked. It SEEMS fine, but failure of a front drive shaft means a hole in the side of the transmission, so it is worth checking to be completely sure.

Illustration for article titled Arg - Car repairs, delays, and existential dread
Photo: Akio

I dunno. I’m frustrated, still need to drop the headliner, and wish the roofers would show up and fucking finish the damn roof.
