Well which is it Kia? Left or Right?!

My rental of the week is a Kia Optima. Don’t have a lot to say about it so I’m unsure if it’ll get a full write up. Best thing about it is the color (metalic blue), worst thing about it is the engine seems to be in an abusive relationship with the transmission.


We all know the car “hack” where the gas gauge shows you which side of the car the fill cap is on with a little arrow. Only... this car has two little arrows and they disagree. The one on the gauge points to the driver’s side, the one on the distance to empty (DTE) indicator (which is always present) points to the passenger.... sort of.


So which is it?

Photo: Akio

The pretty obvious assumption is to go by the gas gauge as it is the canonical source, and you would be right, but it is pretty silly the DTE indicator provides unnecessary confusion.

Bonus points the gas station I went to had one of those video ad things in the pump and it was horrible. The ads were about 5 seconds each and played in rapid fire. Made me feel like I had ADD or something. I couldn’t find any secret mute button or anything so I just ended up feeling like I should smash it with a hammer.

Illustration for article titled Well which is it Kia? Left or Right?!
Photo: Akio