Tone Deaf: Anyone want to buy a new keyboard phone? F(x)Tec Pro1

Illustration for article titled Tone Deaf: Anyone want to buy a new keyboard phone? F(x)Tec Pro1
Photo: F(x)Tec

Ok well I came to Oppo to post this but apparently everything is on fire, again, and this feels a little tone deaf but...


So back in March I received my keyboard phone: a brand new F(x)Tec Pro1. I’d always said that if anyone made a modern, flagship keyboard phone I’d buy it. Then an Oppo posted that F(x)Tec was making this thing and...

I bought one.

Illustration for article titled Tone Deaf: Anyone want to buy a new keyboard phone? F(x)Tec Pro1
Photo: Akio

And it was... well honestly not as good as I wanted it to be. I had fond memories of my old Droid phones and desperately waiting for the Droid 5 that was never to come.

Alas, like most dalliances with an ex, we’ve both moved on.

Don’t get me wrong, the Pro1 is an impressive piece of hardware. Solid build, decent specs, and overall a wonderful piece of hardware. I think my only real complaints are the curved screen makes is hard to hold, which is a problem with many modern phones, and they fell into the trap of wanting to make it “modern” sized, which means it is by no means a small phone.


For me, I just never really got the hang of the keyboard after years and years of using on-screen keyboards.

Then the fingerprint sensor failed.

Then I obliterated the screen.

While it was in the UK for repairs I decided I was going to sell it. Luckily because of the fingerprint issues (warranty) and the screen (I paid for that part) they sent me a brand new phone instead of repairing my old one.


Which brings me to: HEY ANYONE WANT TO BUY THIS THING BEFORE I PUT IT ON EBAY!? New in box. Never used.

Oppo only deal of $600 (OBO?) shipped to anywhere in the continental US.

EDIT: Sold on eBay for $700.