Meet Proposal: 2019 Fall Oppo Chill

Had a great time at the recent Spring Cruise in Vancouver? Or bummed you couldn’t make it? Have I got good news for you: I’m proposing a Fall Oppo meet in Portland, and everyone’s invited! (Final repost, for weekday crowd.)

Illustration for article titled Meet Proposal: 2019 Fall Oppo Chill

CarsofFortLangley did a fantastic job organizing the cruise to be a fun adventure on a scenic sporty highway. But as much as I enjoy taking curves with three digits on my (metric) speedometer, I like hanging out with all of you. The nature of an organized 700km drive means that if you’re not there at the start, it’s hard to meet up along the way. So this meet will be a more relaxed affair — as befits the host city — where we’ll take a couple of day trips from Portland, and we’ll be hanging out around the city every night. This structure makes it easier for people to come and go as best suits their schedule, so we should have even more faces around the tables at night.

Before I figure out exactly what the day trips will entail, we need to figure out a date that works best. My general target is September, after Labor Day weekend. If you’re interested, cast your votes in the below below for the weekends that work for you, and once enough folks have weighed in I’ll announce the date.


(If you can’t see the embed box above, you can also click this poll link.)

I hope to see many of you in September! Especially any of the Seattle crew, who were unformly absent from the close-by Vancouver drive. Let me know what you think of the format in the comments, as well as any ideas you have for day trips.