Kneel, puny humans

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Illustration for article titled Kneel, puny humans
Illustration for article titled Kneel, puny humans

Pumpkin is feeling better these days. I think she was being tormented by fleas as the warm weather came on, because we treated her with Advantage II and she seems much better.

Illustration for article titled Kneel, puny humans
Illustration for article titled Kneel, puny humans
Illustration for article titled Kneel, puny humans

The Vespa continues to vex me. I pulled the airbox open and pulled the filter and it was NASTY. However, even with no filter, it does not start. I am going to test spark today, but I think it will be fine. I think I have a carb problem. Everything that should go to it is going to it. Everything seems to come back there. I believe the carb is original, and after 17 years, this is the time they typically fail. I had to replace the float needle assembly a couple of years ago, and this is suspiciously familiar.

Illustration for article titled Kneel, puny humans

I am going to clean it this afternoon to try and get it started. If that works, I will order a new carb anyway, because it is probably time. I could rebuild it (parts are readily available), but why?


Pumpkin thanks you for your time.