What the hell is a variator? This is a variator

Illustration for article titled What the hell is a variator? This is a variator
Illustration for article titled What the hell is a variator? This is a variator

I got a “variator holder tool” which I imagine will come in handy, though I have no idea what it does. Everyone says you must have this.

Illustration for article titled What the hell is a variator? This is a variator

Yes, I will be watching many, many videos before I do this. The variator swap is supposed to be easy.

Illustration for article titled What the hell is a variator? This is a variator

I also got a “clutch holder tool.” The upgraded clutch and drive belt should be in another box.

In researching this, I have learned that the primary performance upgrades are variator (got it), exhaust (did it), suspension (ordered), clutch and drive belt (ordered), and of course, cylinder kit, which is here.

Illustration for article titled What the hell is a variator? This is a variator

I am waiting on a carburetor jet kit that I am sure I am going to need for this.


I have been doing a lot of reading and research, and Piaggio/Vespa have a fascinating history. The introduction of the modern Vespa in 1996, and particularly the introduction of the LEADER engine in 2000 saved the comapny. Piaggio claims that outside of the U.S., their products have the highest number of registrations in almost every country in the world.

I am really enjoying learning more about this machine, and plan to be well prepared before I dive in.


Thanks for being patient. I know I am babbling on about this project. I apologize.