Have you heard of this?

There is nothing more depressing than working from a hotel room. So I am having breakfast and procrastinating. I will probably go for a walk before I hit the email. I stumbled across this, after the guy connected with me on LinkedIn. Anyone know about these cars?


I have written here before about my exit strategy from my present practice. Today is a perfect example of why. I don’t want to dive into a sewer of toxic conflict and intractable problems. I built my business as the guy who could confront any kind of conflict, and I just am not that guy anymore. I want to extract myself from a 50 year ag labor war and do something else, something new. Small town lawyer, sole practitioner, and hustle up whatever small town work I can find.

My wife has pretty much decided that Colorado and Arizona are out, and the Oregon coast is where we should go. We are planning a road trip in spring to check it out. If things go as planned, I can pull it off in 4-5 years. All debts will be paid, I can sell the business, kids will be in college.