My wife says not to take the Sunchaser

She doesn’t want it at the office until the bad press blows over. She is afraid something bad could happen.

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I have to go to Monterey tomorrow where I will be speaking at a conference on Thursday. I come home Friday, and I will be taking my son to audition for the Dave Brubeck Jazz conservatory at UOP in Stockton on Saturday. Next week, we are supposed to fly to Texas for his audition at UNT, but with this TSA crap I may be forced to drive. GTI will get a workout this week.

I spoke to my semi-estranged sister over the weekend. After years of pushing me away, she suddenly reached out. I am receptive, and it was a nice conversation. We are both the subject of unfair and harsh media criticism in litigation that is not what it appears to be, so we have that in common.


Her situation is worse, because her employer called upon her to handle volatile circumstances and hung her out to dry when it got ugly (my version, not hers). I made my own bed.