I woke up cranky

Toby and Pumpkin are very integrated into my morning routine, and I know it is dumb, but I don’t like being away from them. I speak this morning on I-9 and immigration compliance, and this afternoon I do farmworker transportation.

Friday night, my son and I will be traveling to beautiful Stockton for his audition at the Dave Brubeck school of jazz at UOP, where Brubeck is an esteemed alum.


I am still pulling for UNT for a lot of different reasons. It is the beat jazz program, and a dream for him. Also, I kind of want my kids to leave California. Opportunity is limited here - it is very expensive for a young person. I have always loved it here, but in recent years it has worn me down.

I drove here yesterday in the GTI faster than I should have. But it was so much fun.