Attorney musings [UPDATE]

I have been doing this for a while, and have been successful enough that I do not have to take all the work that comes my way. Most attorneys would appreciate this circumstance.

Over the years, there are people I have refused to represent for reasons other than conflicts that preclude me from accepting the work. Generally, these fall into a few basic categories:

1. You didn’t pay me when I did work for you before.

2. You didn’t pay me when I did work for you before.

3. You were nasty to my staff and/or attorneys.

4. You didn’t pay me when I did work for you before.

5. You want me to do shady shit for you. (One time, a guy tried to use me to submit forged payroll records. I would not be very good at this if I had failed to notice.)


6. You didn’t pay me when I did work for you before.

7. I just don’t like you. (Only one guy so far).

Did I mention you have to pay me?

Anyway, I have an appointment later today with a lady who I apparently refused to represent, and I cannot remember why. The only client I refused recently falls into categories 3 and 7, which are somewhat related. The lady’s name is not familiar to me. I am wondering if he is sending someone in his place. I need to talk to my assistant to figure out who she is. My assistant has a late start time to get her kids to school, and I don’t like to call or text her before the official start of the day.


This is new for me. I have never turned someone away and had them want to see me for an explanation. I am very curious about how this will play out.

This is kind of fun.


I did a little research. This is a company with a bad payment history - we did work in 2018 and they did not pay us in full.


One of you expressed disbelief that they would return after not paying us. Well, here we are. This should be amusing.