Human Behavior

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The FAHF is one of my favorite charities. I give them more money than any other charity. One of my associates is a Board member. They are great people, and I love what they do to promote people starting businesses. Last night was their Annual Gala, and I buy a table every year. It is a nice, black tie event.


I was waiting in line at the bar during the cocktail hour (club soda with a lime is my go to these days), and a lawyer I used to work with at the Public Defender walked in with his wife. He and I were friends when I worked there, and our kids used to play together in a weekly group we had. Nice guy. Facebook friend who I don’t see very often.

He came right over to say hello, and we had a nice, short chat. His wife, on the other hand, turned away and walked in the other direction (she is also a lawyer who worked at the Public Defender when I was there); she would not even look at me. For the rest of the evening, I got the hardcore cold shoulder from her.


I guess she reads the paper.