Overdue Pumpkin content

The Queen has not been happy of late.

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Her world has been disrupted. Her favorite place in the house is her window shelf in the guest room. Due to our laundry room remodel project, a bunch of shit is stacked up in there and she has not been able to use the shelf. This is not an acceptable state of affairs.

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As a result, she has taken to sleeping on our bed in the window (she likes windows), but that is not a solution because the dogs harass her.

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She is also unhappy because I have been traveling a lot. We have a morning routine where she gets a snack and I let her out the front door to poop in the front yard. Then she hangs out with me in the backyard while I have coffee until my son wakes up and feeds all 3 cats their breakfast.

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Illustration for article titled Overdue Pumpkin content
Illustration for article titled Overdue Pumpkin content
Illustration for article titled Overdue Pumpkin content

So she has made herself scarce, and when she does come for attention, she turns her back on me and/or bites me.

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Illustration for article titled Overdue Pumpkin content

She hates the other kitties. We need to get that room done before she kills us all.

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S a bonus, this is Lucy, my wife's rescue Chihuahua.  We adopted her many years ago as a horribly traumatized abuse victim (people suck) who clung to my wife and viewed everyone else with a combination of hate and fear.  She is at least 16 years old, and has survived on force of will.  But we are watching her clock wind down, and it casts a bit of melancholy over our usually happy home.  We have generally been lucky with our animals, with most living into their mid-teens.  Their short life spans suck, but the joy they bring is well worth the pain of loss when it comes.  I hope she hangs around a while longer.  She's a good dog.