I'm having breakfast with a Congressman, what should I drive?

I won’t say who, because I really am bored of the dogmatic thinking and abuse that is embraced by certain folks even here. I have never done this before. I am a problem solver by trade, and I never saw any use for politicians and politics.  But now I need to explore this world.

But the United Farm Workers and the California Labor Federation have unleashed their political dogs on me, and in the ever-corrupt State of California this is something I have to take somewhat seriously. I am hearing rumors that this is hearing up again because of my work in Washington. The UFW is none to happy that I brought Silvia and Francisco up there.


So I wrote a big check (just under $3000) to a prominent Republican Congressman, and got invited to breakfast at a local country club where I never go. Those of you who have met me understand I am sure that I am not a country club kind of guy. I could have put that money into cars. But I need allies, and I am wading in waters that I don’t understand. I am admittedly curious about what an expensive fundraising breakfast involves.


So the most Oppo question of all is, Sunchaser, GTI, or motorcycle?