Good day in Monterey

The morning started with a walk. It would appear that seagulls have been declared as an enemy.

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Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey

We went up to Moss Landing, had lunch and my favorite hidden treasure in Salinas, and drove 17 Mile Drive at Pebble Beach (for the low low price of $10.50) and let Toby run himself to exhaustion.

Moss Landing
Moss Landing

Moss Landing is a cool spot. It is still a functional fishing village, so you get the feel of reality, and you see old Toyota 4WD trucks.

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Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey

When your humans throw sticks for you to chase at the beach, the game gets old when you get a tongue full of sand. We had lunch at my favorite dish restaurant, a little place in Salinas that only locals know about, the Sea Harbor Fish Market on South Main Street. I had the grilled swordfish.


I don’t play golf, but the area that includes Pebble Beach is gorgeous, albeit a massive compound for the phenomenally wealthy. You pay $10.50 to drive the 17 Mile Road, which is a scenic route with 17 points of interest. We stopped at a couple of spots, but there were WAY too many tourists. Damn, Europe, you folks sure like Monterey. Don’t get me wrong, you are more than welcome and perfectly nice, but there is a noticeable concentration of EU tourists. First we stopped at Spanish Bay, and Toby met a boi who was a bit too aggressive. Good thing Toby has a suspension upgrade and is pretty nimble.

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Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey

Our last stop was Bird Rock which is what it sounds like. A guy in a Mustang parked next to me, and kept staring at the Sunchaser. He hung around asking questions even when his wife went to look at the sea otters. It has that effect on certain people. I get it. I would have talked to the guy with the yellow pickup.

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Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey
Illustration for article titled Good day in Monterey

Thanks for checking out my long post. I hope it was worth it. Mrs. IM is at the spa getting pampered, and I am taking her for Italian tonight. Toby is passed out, chasing squirrels in his dreams.

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