Toby exploring Denton, TX

Gorgeous day, and we had time to explore. We did this pretty 4 mile hike. The trail was a loop than went through the woods, down to the lake, and back along the shore. The lake actually covers the trail when the water is high, and a couple of spots were flooded. Toby enjoyed it.

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Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX
Illustration for article titled Toby exploring Denton, TX

Toby is not a very friendly dog to strangers. A few of you Oppos have met him, and you will find that he is likely to remember you when he sees you again, and he tends to greet old friends warmly. But strangers often speak to him or try to pet him (he is a handsome boi), and he usually growls and barks to tell them to back the fuck off. They usually look at me like I’m supposed to fix it, but I mean, consent is a thing right? He can express his feelings. When strangers ignore him, he returns the favor. He isn’t looking for a fight, he just isn’t really looking to interact with people and usually prefers not to. Once in a while, he is friendly to a stranger, and I always wonder what drives that reaction.


I looked back at this post.  Maybe I overdid this one.  Too much Toby? You decide.