Playing hooky

Sick of the office. Things have been busy so I am taking a breather. Motorcycle stuff today.

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I decided to take my son’s Monkey and have it serviced. It sat in the Texas weather at his dorm for 2 months due to lockdown, and has barely been ridden since we got back. That Texas weather literally destroyed the cover- shredded it. There is a little rust on the chain, and I just want it to get a once over and some love. So I will ride it to the shop and leave it for a couple of days.

I talked to the Ducati dealer, and my shift lever is in Germany with anticipated delivery on Monday. I don’t want to deal with having it trucked across town, so I solved the shift lever problem well enough that I think it will get me over there. Some of you may be familiar with these methods.

Illustration for article titled Playing hooky

I have spent a little cash in the last few days. I ordered a Kendon fold up trailer for the GTI so I can transport the Ducati as I please, as well as an Arai Corsair X helmet in Ducati livery. I mean you buy a Ducati, I think you are supposed to slap logos all over yourself, right?