Toby is in charge

He is a creature of routine. Ever since I got him as a 4 month old puppy, he has hung out in the yard with me. I like being outside. I don’t mind our hot summers, and spend a lot of my down time sitting in the yard. I have a big yard (by California standards), nice trees, and it is a pleasant place with the sound of my pond waterfall. I usually have my morning coffee out here.

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We don’t do it as much in the winter. This year, Toby has taken charge. Every morning, he tries to get me outside. He comes up to me, gets my attention, and then runs to his dog door, then back to me until I come outside. He has also resumed an old habit. He attached himself to me pretty much right away as a pup, and he would refuse to eat unless I sat with him during his meal. Over the last week, he ignores his breakfast until I come outside, and then he eats it.

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When I go inside to get fresh coffee, he follows me, rubs on my legs, and paces until I go back outside.

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Illustration for article titled Toby is in charge

Once we go back outside, he chases squirrels and bees and relaxes.

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Dogs are the best.