Wings and Wheels 2018

The local GA airport, Wings Field (KLOM), hosted its annual Wings and Wheels show last September, and I took the family and my camera there for the afternoon. Given the gloomy weather that day, I think things looked pretty good. I’ve wanted to share my pictures here since then, but hemmed and hawed over actually requesting posting privs. Until now, that is.

The show didn’t follow any particular theme, folks just brought what they got, and some really had something interesting. There were assorted classic planes.

Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018

And there were classic cars.

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Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018

The fire company brought this nice REO Speedwagon fire truck.

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Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018


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Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018

Visitors could line up for rides on a couple of planes.

Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018

There was also some fancy hardware present.

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Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Icon A5 amphibious light sport plane.
Icon A5 amphibious light sport plane.
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
I understand why they parked the R8 next to the Vision, but I think it makes the scene look garish.
I understand why they parked the R8 next to the Vision, but I think it makes the scene look garish.

There was even a Miata. A yellow one, even!

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I spent an inordinate amount of time gawking at this O-1, and then more crowds came and I couldn’t take more pictures of it.
I spent an inordinate amount of time gawking at this O-1, and then more crowds came and I couldn’t take more pictures of it.

I might attend the next one in September this year, and if so I’ll venture to share the pictures here.


Some more pictures that I took. Unfortunately I did not get to photograph everything, and not all of my pictures came out that great.

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One of the hangars had a handful of planes in various state of repair, like this Bellanca.
One of the hangars had a handful of planes in various state of repair, like this Bellanca.
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018
Illustration for article titled Wings and Wheels 2018