We built a thing!

I must give the credit here to my wife, followed by a few random links and Pinterest (the most confusing website in the history of the innarwebz). We looked down at all the neglected Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars — some dating back to the late 70s — and figured there had to be something better for them than spending their lives at the bottom of a toybox.

After some trial and error, this is now hanging in my 5-year-old son’s room:

Illustration for article titled We built a thing!

Apart from a couple of crazy/exotic/alien cars we used for filler, I hand-picked most of these for their realism, diversity, and overall Jalop cred.

“Ash, is there a Jaguar XJ220 on there?”

“Why yes. Hell yes, there is.”

“How about an El Camino with a rear-mounted V8 in the bed?”


Feel free to holler out anything you notice — I think we have 2 Mustangs and 3 Vettes on there, but all the rest should be unique.