Brake job afternoon

It may sound mundane, but in 5 years and 70k miles it’s the first real work we’ve done on the Odyssey. Boring, but reliable. It’s growing on me.

Akebono pads and Centric rotors, favorites among the Hondascenti.

Old rotor was ok, but I prefer to change them with the pads, especially after several years.
Old rotor was ok, but I prefer to change them with the pads, especially after several years.
Just a cool guy doing cool guy things. He managed to stay interested for the full 90 minutes on both sides of the car. Pool noodle wrapped over jack handle to prevent dents. The car is actually on a jackstand, with the jack as backup.
Just a cool guy doing cool guy things. He managed to stay interested for the full 90 minutes on both sides of the car. Pool noodle wrapped over jack handle to prevent dents. The car is actually on a jackstand, with the jack as backup.
New vs old pads. We had about 20% left but some of them were wearing unevenly. The protrusion is a low-tech noisemaker.
New vs old pads. We had about 20% left but some of them were wearing unevenly. The protrusion is a low-tech noisemaker.
Freshly milled, complete with black powder coated hat! (Which also serves as a drum for the parking brake inside.)
Freshly milled, complete with black powder coated hat! (Which also serves as a drum for the parking brake inside.)
One of the old rotors and pads had matching divots in them.
One of the old rotors and pads had matching divots in them.