A Mid-Sized Ram Is Coming. Rejoice!

It is sounding like we don’t need to be upset any longer! It is happening! We need another Tacoma, Ranger, and Colorado/Canyon competitor. Please be diesel, four door, and manual transmission. Can we ask for a straight axle front? Probably not. Modern consumers are a bunch of wussies.

You’re probable new mid-sized Ram in the US. A re-branded Ram 1200 as a Dakota?
You’re probable new mid-sized Ram in the US. A re-branded Ram 1200 as a Dakota?
Image: Ram MidEast

Per Automotive News and already rounding the automotive universe online... this will be a new mid-sized Ram with BODY-ON-FRAME construction. I’m guessing it will be based on the Ram 1200. It won’t be based on the Ram 750/700 overseas that is uni-body and a little smaller.

His safety vest and boots are too clean - he doesn’t do this for a living.
His safety vest and boots are too clean - he doesn’t do this for a living.
Image: Ram MidEast

I am excited that we will have another mid-sized pickup making it our way. I love anything that is a competitor to the Toyota Tacoma. Not that I hate Toyota’s... I own a late-model 4Runner... I just enjoy variety! Competition keeps things fresh!

It looks more European to me - Ram 700
It looks more European to me - Ram 700

I am a little bummed out that we’re not getting the smaller Ram 750 too. Look at it! It’s uni-body but since the departure of the Subaru Baja, we could use a UTE in the US. There is a segment of us that would consider buying one if it was the right price (Read: Cheap).

If the Ram 1200/Dakota comes to our shores, I hope they actually call it something other than Dakota. I am not a fan of the Dakota. It was all the sub-par Dodge quality in a not-so-efficient package. There has got to be a better name out there than Dakota... how bout the ‘Small Horn’!

Two sticks just like you’ve always wanted.
Two sticks just like you’ve always wanted.
Image: Ram MidEast

The efficiency argument is the main one against any mid-sized pickup. If it gets only slightly better MPG, why buy one instead of a half-ton? Do you really need it to be smaller to park or store it? In America we don’t have the space issues that older countries have. We have wide open spaces! Our land is bigger, just like the people...!


A small, diesel, four door pickup should be very efficient. I’m betting that the manufacturers could squeeze over 30 MPG combined if they really tried. Try they should and try we should demand.

We shall see! C’mon Ram don’t let me down!