My Personal Top Five Posts of 2018

The year of 2018 has passed. I completed 80 posts since April of 2018 when I started on this adventure. I have to say that the vast majority of you are wonderful people and it has been my pleasure to contribute in a mostly thoughtful way. I decided to revisit my favorite five posts. There will be less ridiculousness than I’m typically known for coming up...


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Graphic: AutoHabit

Going to Arizona was never on my bucket list. One of my best friends moved there and it gave me an excuse to go see him. Arizona shocked me as it wasn’t what I thought it would be - dirty, empty, and piss hot. It turned out to be clean, cool, and the scenery looked like a Dr. Seuss book. We ended up with a rental Hyundai Santa Fe - which shocked me again.


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Graphic: AutoHabit

My beloved 240sx... where in the world are you now?! Are you safe? Are you being abused? Have you already been wrapped around a telephone pole by a ham-fisted 18 year old with too much testosterone and not enough talent?! I want another one of these. I’d however start with a much more complete and clean set of bones.


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Graphic: AutoHabit

All those Ridiculous Diesels I’ve been writing about seem to be paying off... someone is reading it! Look at those numbers?! Where the hell was this thing reposted?! Was it on a truck forum? Or maybe it was on an S&M porno site where men enjoy getting kicked in the gonads...


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Graphic: AutoHabit

Hawaii has a special place in my heart. It was my first major vacation and honeymoon. I’ve been back at least one (if not twice) a year since. We’ve explored Kauai, Maui, and the Big Island. Maybe one day I can get paid to explore and write about driving a unique or new vehicle? One can dream...


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Graphic: AutoHabit

I can say for a fact that I put more blood, sweat, and tears into this one. I sat down and put some time into putting pen to paper. Most of the things I write aren’t exactly labors of love, I feel that I go to fast sometimes and try to crank something out. Not this one. I really thought about the journey and tried to convey it in a manner that was easy to understand.


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I attended this event and it was my first time to photograph AND write about it. Taking photos is easy (taking great photos is difficult) but to take photos and write something (good or bad) takes both parts of the brain to function.