Illustration for article titled Japan Trip POSTPONED

You’re probably saying, “DUH”. I had more hope than you. After a few short weeks of watching the world fall apart, it finally came to pass that airlines began canceling flights. When should I go now?!


My traveling companion had his flight canceled. Game over for now. We will have to reschedule for this fall. I was hopeful this crazy world would get itself in order for late April. I had high hopes!

Illustration for article titled Japan Trip POSTPONED

Think about the first tourists back to traveling once this blows over. The first tourists to see the sights before everyone else realizes they can travel again will see some epic views without anyone around. This was my wish for Japan.

I wanted to see all the famous sights while not having to throw elbows to get there early. I’ll reschedule for September, October, or maybe early November.


Any suggestions about the best time in the fall? I hadn’t even looked into the fall thinking April would work for sure. I could always wait a year? NO!

Two and a half years of planning and research postponed... lame!

Lucky for me everyone is doing this and I got all my money back!

Illustration for article titled Japan Trip POSTPONED