Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.

Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.
Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.
Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.
Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.

This oddly pinched, wavy 1930's-esque egg-shaped thing is a 2008 4Stroke Rumen. It is a French or possibly Bulgarian (sources not clear) neo-retro car designed by Roumen Antonov, the owner of a successful transmission company. He said the design was inspired by the Bugatti Type 57, which... um...

Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.
Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.


It was powered by the drivetrain from a Toyota Aygo, except that the drivetrain was moved to the rear. The body was made of plastic, the interior was leather and wood, the engine was in a fancy leather box in the back:

Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.

and the whole thing only weighed 550 kilograms (1,212 lbs).

Illustration for article titled Good morning, Oppo! Have a car that looks like it just got a wedgie.

Size was comparable to a Smart car or a Mini, and it reportedly handled quite well, which made it fun to drive. And if you wanted the experience of a convertible, then you could remove the rear hatch, which was so long that the top of it was above your head. It wasn’t particularly fast, though, as the engine only made about 68 horsepower. Still, it looks fun, right? And all that fun could be bought for the low, low price of... 55,000 euros. Oh no.