Found for sale: Weird green microcar!

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Illustration for article titled Found for sale: Weird green microcar!
Illustration for article titled Found for sale: Weird green microcar!

It’s called an HMV Freeway (although the thought of actually driving one on the freeway is terrifying), it was manufactured from 1979 to 1982, and they built about 700 of them. They were said to get between 60 and 100 mpg depending on speed, and most of them came with either a single-cylinder 12 or 16 hp Tecumesh engine. They are not fast. They are not comfortable. They only have enough space for you and a couple grocery bags. However, they are microcars, and that means that they are a hoot! The buy it now price for this one is $6,000, which sounds like a lot of money for what you get (heck, that’s more than what I initially paid for my Thunderbird), but when you consider that a lot of the more desirable classic microcars like BMW Isettas and Messerschmitts go for $20,000+, then the price starts to look a little bit better. Plus, this one appears to have a dinosaur sticker on the window, and that’s gotta count for something!


So if you like microcars, mpgs, and the color green, you can find this HMV Freeway for sale here: