Long live the Alldays & Onions Midget.

Illustration for article titled Long live the Alldays  Onions Midget.

I dare ya to find a better car name than this. I frickin’ dare ya. Just imagine making casual conversation with someone at a party, and they ask you what kind of car you drive. You tell them, “Alldays & Onions Midget, baby! V-twins for the win!” You own that party now.


Same if you had an Isuzu Mysterious Utility Wizard.

Illustration for article titled Long live the Alldays  Onions Midget.

Or a majestic Honda That’s.

Illustration for article titled Long live the Alldays  Onions Midget.

Or a Bitter CD.

Illustration for article titled Long live the Alldays  Onions Midget.

Or even an American Chocolate Walter...

Illustration for article titled Long live the Alldays  Onions Midget.