I finally got to drive Phoebe back from the mechanic today! And HOLY CARP, the difference is night and day. He replaced the intake manifold and made a few adjustments to the timing and the carburetor, and it worked wonders. I loved this car already, and now it’s ten times better. For one thing, the engine sounds completely different. By which I mean it sounds A M A Z I N G. And it’s so much more smooth and has so much more power and torque now. That also means the transmission is now shifting properly and isn’t clunky anymore. This was the best drive I’ve had in ages. Actually, the best drive I’ve ever had in this car. I always had fun in this car but this is a new level of fun, more fun than I ever imagined this car could be. No joke, I was giggling like a deranged schoolgirl the whole drive back to campus! For so long, I’ve felt like the car was fun but tired and worn; a shadow of her former self. But not anymore. She may look a little battered on the outside, but she drives like the luxury car with the spirit of a muscle car she was when she was brand new. She feels 54 years younger. She feels joyful. Thank you, Mechanic :)

Illustration for article titled THE THUNDERBIRD HAS RETURNED!
Photo: oh you beautiful machine

So my car is finally back and living her best life, and I now have a dog. Today has been a very good day :)