A few more arguments for switching to Drivetribe

Remember the days when really good Oppo articles would get posted to the FP? Well, that still happens on Drivetribe! Since yesterday, two of my posts have been shared to the homepage. So that’s fun. Drivetribe also has a chat section. I’m not sure how it compares to Discord, but it seems similar to me and it’s already being used quite a bit. Also, YOU DON’T HAVE TO CREDIT IMAGES ANYMORE!!

People here have already listed all the reasons why Drivetribe is the most similar option to Kinja, but I haven’t seen these things mentioned yet, which I think are actually improvements over Kinja. Just thought I’d let you know.

Illustration for article titled A few more arguments for switching to Drivetribe
Photo: fjyufch

Baldi Frog for your time.