Florida Man™ Parks Next to Lamborghinis

Either is probably more reliable than the Passat.

“The poors are at it again” - the Lamborghini owners watching me park next to them
“The poors are at it again” - the Lamborghini owners watching me park next to them

Bonus things I saw:

Dumb thicc
Dumb thicc
I see they’re using commie measurements
I see they’re using commie measurements
The rare e-Golf™
The rare e-Golf™
First Rosso Mimir Lamborghini I’ve ever seen
First Rosso Mimir Lamborghini I’ve ever seen
You know you’re fucked when an SVJ looks poor
You know you’re fucked when an SVJ looks poor
Viola Parsifae SVJ
Viola Parsifae SVJ
Now discontinued Beetle R-Line
Now discontinued Beetle R-Line
Big nut
Big nut
A rare Carrera T with the PDK and carbon bucket seats
A rare Carrera T with the PDK and carbon bucket seats