Good Morning Oppo (NSFW)

Illustration for article titled Good Morning Oppo (NSFW)

My local Kroger grocery store opened at 7am. I got there at 7:15am. The lot was already 3/4 full. Went in straight to the eggs. The shelves were empty. Due to sheer luck, a stocker was walking by to stock a different dairy items. I asked about the eggs. Turned out, the daily Kroger delivery truck was a no show. So what was on the shelves was all the store had. As he was reaching back into his crates to pull another item, to his surprise were two 18 packs of eggs! I got one and another lady on the other side of the shelf overheard and rushed over to get the other.


So, a positive start to the day.

Oddly before this, I was thinking of songs that captured my mindset the past couple of days. I had one in mind...until this morning. So pick your poison.

...just replace Vacation with Staycation!!!
...obviously, I was thinking of the second part of the songs