Behind the Burner 2.6 - It is over!

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Our Burner vanished in his Juke with most of his thumb but in the end our burner was the unimaginable The Crazie Kanuck; Tonights Special, Grilled Thumb Tip.


What happens now?

On Monday I will notify the next Opponaught that has volunteered to login to a Reddit account that I will supply and start a thread on /r/Oppositelock. In that thread they will be mercilessly interrogated by our crack team of Opponaught detectives with car related questions. They will answer all the car questions truthfully.


Everyone else?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to head over to Reddit and ask the car related questions that burn brightest in your soul in an effort to divine which Opponaught is answering your questions. Anyone that wants to volunteer to be behind the burner should PM me on Reddit, where I am also CalzoneGolem.