

Illustration for article titled Corvette
Photo: CaptDale

God I forgot how low this car is. So she is back on the ground and running. Today swapped out the water flush for coolant and found a freon leak, cause of course there is one more thing to work on. But she is on the ground, running well and just has a few tidy up things left like putting the interior trims back in and fixing the a/c. It has been way too hot and humid here to not have A/C.

Illustration for article titled Corvette
Photo: CaptDale

Also fitted frame stiffening bars. The little bit of test driving I have done makes me feel like this did a lot to tighten up the chassis. Sadly it also takes away ground clearance, but worth it. The next step would be to tie the chassis together with a roll cage instead, but this will do for a long while.

Illustration for article titled Corvette
Photo: CaptDale

See, she is low, but ain’t slow.