"Save the Manuals": Did My Part

Well, after 6 1/2 long months of waiting after putting in the order, she’s here:

Illustration for article titled Save the Manuals: Did My Part
Photo: me
Illustration for article titled Save the Manuals: Did My Part
Photo: me
Illustration for article titled Save the Manuals: Did My Part
Photo: me

2020 GT350 in Velocity Blue, Chassis L0898. I actually haven’t taken many pics yet because I’ve been busy, but she was delivered last Friday afternoon and Tuesday night I was able to put about 60 miles on her around town and on some nice backroads with my 4 y.o. son (my 5 y.o. son wanted to finish dinner with mom so they stayed back lol). Through the break-in period I’m only able to take her up to around 4k rpm or so and have only used it up to half throttle but man, this thing is insane! The sounds this machine makes even just cruising at light throttle makes the hair on my arms stand up. I’m in love.

I haven’t even played with all the different drive settings for the suspension, throttle mapping, and steering sensitivity, but just in all Normal modes it feels wired directly to my brain. It still feels surreal.


I’ll work on a review after the break-in period is up and I can really wring it out, but for now I’ll try to answer any questions you guys have.

Illustration for article titled Save the Manuals: Did My Part
Photo: me

*Kiddo approved