It’s been a blast! Here are some Oppo group pics from various misadventures!

The original Oppo Dragon Meet as hosted by Ike of the Untitled Car Show!

The original Oppo Dragon Meet, originally hosted by Ike of the Untitled Car Show!
Photo: daender
Illustration for article titled WELP.
Photo: daender

The second Oppo Dragon Meet as hosted by Jordan and myself!

The second Oppo Dragon Meet as hosted by Jordan and myself!
Photo: daender
Illustration for article titled WELP.
Photo: daender

And the impromptu Oppo Dragon meetup between Jordan, LimitedTimeOnly and myself!

And the impromptu Oppo Dragon meetup between Jordan, LimitedTimeOnly and myself!
Photo: daender
Illustration for article titled WELP.
Photo: daender

I’d post a pic from Daytona 2019 but I didn’t take any since we were meeting up without our vehicle.