Cloudy Headlights

Washing the car today, I noticed how cloudy the headlights had become. The Porsche is in great mechanical condition, so it should also look good. I figured, how much can new headlights cost? Well, $585.00 each at Suncoast Parts. I am not prepared to spend $1,170.00 on headlights.

Much better, most of the cloudy film is gone.
Much better, most of the cloudy film is gone.
Image: Dakotahound

A little while ago, there was an article about headlight restoration kits. Turtle Wax, 3M, and probably a few other companies make them for under $20.00. That seems reasonable but, after watching the videos, I was a little hesitant. The kits come with three abrasive disks. It appears that the first disk removes the oxidation by sanding the lens to a rough finish; and the other two disks polish it back to a smooth surface. I really didn’t want to sand away the lens, fearing that it may end up worse.

Looking online, a lot of people recommend toothpaste. That didn’t do anything. Maybe I use the wrong toothpaste.

This worked great.
This worked great.
Image: Dakotahound

As an experiment, I tried just using regular car polish – no abrasive wheels or sanding disks. It worked great, in fact, it worked better than I thought it would. I used Turtle Wax Premium Polishing Compound with a little extra elbow grease and saved $1,170.00.