Unknown Fruit

We are in voluntary lockdown here in Florida, with all bars closed and most restaurants doing curbside takeout only. This gave me the opportunity to peruse the property, and I came across some unknown fruit. The fruit is just starting to ripen, and it is about 2 in. in diameter. The skin is thin – much thinner than an orange. Most of the fruit is currently orange colored, but it appears that it turns red when it ripens.

Unknown Fruit
Unknown Fruit
Image: Dakotahound
Unknown Fruit
Unknown Fruit
Image: Dakotahound

It looks a lot like persimmon, and this area used to be called Persimmon Hollow. For two reasons, however, I do not believe that it is persimmon:

1) This is March, and persimmon are deciduous. We have other persimmon trees on the property that are just starting to leaf out. Here is a photograph of one:

Persimmon tree starting to leaf out in March.
Persimmon tree starting to leaf out in March.
Image: Dakotahound

2) The leaves are darker than our persimmons.

Anyway, here is a nice Mini Cooper that was parked at the hardware store last week.

Mini Cooper
Mini Cooper
Image: Dakotahound