Where I live.....

Illustration for article titled Where I live.....
Illustration for article titled Where I live.....

Has the worst crime rate in Canada, and is one of about five places taking turns as our murder capital. We’re home to what is widely known to be “Canada’s worst neighborhood”. There is institutional racism going all the way back and all the way up. It is also the centre ring of redneck hell. We have our problems, one might say. BUT in about 120 years, our local cops(who we all think are meatheads) have shot 14 people. The last one was last year, before that we missed 19 years in a row. High crime, constant racial tension, redneck hell, and everyone has guns: 19 years between police shootings. They’re not perfect, and to be frank, people here think they burned down the adjacent business that police hq is now expanding onto the former property of, but they’re not known for murdering people, so there’s that to be thankful for.

Illustration for article titled Where I live.....

This is a diecast of Regina police crown vic in 1990s livery.