Today in ill advised rust repair....

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Trunk extension and bottom of wheeltub. I had already done this side but it was a little crude and I was really just guessing where the wheel well lip went. I was off by a good inch.

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I got fed up trying to shave and fit a 5 foot long chunk of car so I got fed up and cut it in half. I welded in the trunk dropoff right at the 90 degree bend. That daylight you can see isn’t bad fit it’s yet another missing chunk of car. The scope creep of this project is off the charts.

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There is a proper way to do this and this isn’t it but for this car it’s this or nothing.

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I have to go to real work tomorrow, but I might get at cutting and welding the other half if I get home early enough. I’ll still have to do rust repair on the “new” quarter when it’s finally on the car.  But at least I won’t be making patches all the way up to the glass now.