It's a bit lumpy in a few places, but for the first time since the 60s, this car is made entirely out of steel.

I’ve got to go around it and correct a few things and trim and weld things that got left unfinished at the ends of previous seasons. Lots of work left to do, but at least it is now a whole car to do it to.

Illustration for article titled Its a bit lumpy in a few places, but for the first time since the 60s, this car is made entirely out of steel.
Photo: dash
Photo: dash
Photo: dash

Big holes in the firewall are not good. left the bottom open a bit because there clearly needs to be a drain here.

Photo: dash

And the (probably not the last) last patch ever! Just tacked, smacked, and trimmed. no need to get all scientific about it. I hope he never gets this car wet.