I didn't have to look too hard to find more work to do on this beauty

Half a dozen bits of daylight poking through the cowl here. Jammed some tin overtop and added both sqeezy schmutz and spritzy schmutz both inside and out.

Illustration for article titled I didnt have to look too hard to find more work to do on this beauty
Image: schmutz

It’s still here as it’s carport is under construction, which is the most legit excuse for leaving a car at my place I’ve ever heard.

Usually, it goes like this: A) It can sit there for 3 months until I’ve got time to mess with it and deem it worthy of my attention. and B) It has to leave the very instant I get sick of it.  There is no sign saying dead plymouth storage on my lawn. Its the one thing in this world I get to have both ways. I am 100% that bitchy bodyman(former).   But if he’s building a home for it it can stay a few days extra.