And my new car is.....

The 20 year old work truck I already own. Partly because the Gubmint gave everybody 2 nickles to rub together with pandemic Trudeaubucks (thanks J.) The price of used cars is super inflated ‘roun these here parts. This be how inflation works.

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Photo: Bureau of pickup trucks.

I only need 3 seats since we have a family car, the Escape, I was going to take over the escape but the price shock of newer used cars sunk that. Mrs D. Hasn’t made a car payment since her 1990 Buick century and drove Wrecked Hondas that I rebuilt at the body shop for a solid decade, the last “bent Honda” was our 08 fit Sport that we both really miss. I shop for cheaper cars and there’s not much out there between $2500 old civics an $12,000 everything else, so I’m going to invest in spiffing up this perfectly good regular cab truck. I got it at beater prices and since it’s been solidly reliable for a year I can invest a few bucks in it. I’m going to replace all 4 oxygen sensors which are 20 years old and a service item. I should recover that cost in increased fuel economy. As for tires, there’s an offshore brand somr people have had good luck with and are studdable so I’m going for that. No TPMS on this so I’m comfortable using the scary tire machine and mounting and balancing them myself. I know how to do this, learned it in car school, but I’m mannish enough to admit I’m still a bit afraid of tire machines.

I bought this kick-ass full depth toolbox for the truck. I can often do my job with a small box of bits and socket and my “purse” of mutimeters and torches etc, but I need to travel with a very extensive ‘just in case” kit. I ultra bolted it in through the bed floor last night with bis ass 3/8 bolts big washers an loctite.

Photo: Bureau of pickup trucks.

I’m off to the wrecker to get 2 more spare rims, If chrome I’m gonna get out the barkeeper’s friend and shine em up, if painted, I’ll shoot em black so they all match and then some nice centre caps. That and I should probably replace the fuel pump. It’s also 20 years old and is expensive to do in an emergency.