OPPOFleet, Late 2019 - The Results

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Thanks to everyone who participated! Very cool to see all of your cars listed out as I was working through all of the data. The displays shown here are limited to OPPO’s four-wheeled conveyances only (plus one Morgan). There are 735 cars in total included here (more of which are RX-7s than Camrys), representing 330 individual Oppos. Hope you find this all as interesting as I have! If your cars weren’t included in this round, just add them to the spreadsheet HERE - I plan to keep this available so that anyone can check out the OPPO fleet at any time, update their cars as they come and go, and maybe we’ll do a big all-OPPO update once a year.


Most Popular Cars on OPPO (as of 12/3/19)

- 21 Miatas

- 19 F-series pickups (4 owned by Pickup man alone! - LOL)

- 18 3-series BMWs (25 including M3s)

- 18 Civics

- 17 GTIs

- 13 4Runners

- 14 Mustangs

- 13 WRX/STIs

- 12 Outbacks

Illustration for article titled OPPOFleet, Late 2019 - The Results
Illustration for article titled OPPOFleet, Late 2019 - The Results

Almost as much color as not-color!

Illustration for article titled OPPOFleet, Late 2019 - The Results
Illustration for article titled OPPOFleet, Late 2019 - The Results

Well done, fellow Opponauts! Let’s try to keep it in the majority here going forward, as unlikely as that might be...


Thanks to Regulus, Lokiparts and Future Heap Owner for their help while I was working on all this.
