First and Last: NZHRC Tasman Revival race meet photo dump: part 1 - single seaters

This was my first post on Oppo, way back in January 2014. Three hundred and ninety posts later (the “more to follow” at the end of this one turned out to be prophetic), it seems appropriate to close the circle with it. Plus that’s a goddam gorgeous Lotus to go out on.

I’ll see y’all on the other side, at the Hyphen (preferably), Drivetribe, or whatever. For those who decide not to migrate, so long and thanks for all the fish. It’s been a blast and you’re a great bunch.



Illustration for article titled First and Last: NZHRC Tasman Revival race meet photo dump: part 1 - single seaters
Photo: me, goddam it!

It’s summer in NZ, and that means car events. Last weekend was the NZ Historic Racing Club’s Tasman Revival meet at Taupo. This was a pretty low key event, with many of the usual suspects saving themselves for the higher profile NZ Festival of Motorsport meet next weekend. The meet featured a couple of grids of single seaters, a few of BMWs, some Japanese, and a mixed bag of 60s-80s, mostly Euro, saloons and GTs. The next few posts are a photo dump - broken into parts because Kinja gets unhappy if I try to upload more than about 6 photos per post - go figure.

Lets start with a look at the single seaters. Starting with proof that when you’re as good as Colin Chapman, form does indeed follow function, beautifully.

Photo: me, goddam it!

Another view of Lotus gorgeousness.

Photo: me, goddam it!

Oily bits

Photo: me, goddam it!

More oily bits.

Photo: me, goddam it!

Getting ready to rumble - or at least to whirr.

Photo: me, goddam it!

Not even slightly Formula Ford.

More to follow.