
Morning oPPo. Happy Friday! For those of you who work M-F, you did it!

Quick backstory: I have about an hour commute, each way, to work. To pass the time I tend to listen to audiobooks, but as of recently I have taken a break. I’m giving podcasts a go again. I’ve been listening to Modern Day Philosophers. The guests are pretty entertaining, but the host is lacking. I’ve tried to push on because I really like the guests he gets on the show, but he does not know how to smooth his audio; it gets invariably loud and quiet throughout.


Does anyone listen to any good podcasts they’d like to share? (The Smoking Tire is out for me too). I’d prefer light, comical podcasts, but I’m open to any suggestions to pass the time.

Illustration for article titled Podcast

Land Cruiser for your time and thoughts.