Illustration for article titled DOTS: BX Van

I was driving around my old hometown and noticed that this old Citroën BX 19 TGD Break Van had moved from its usual spot.


While taking pictures the very kind owner came over, who told me he has owned it for 22 years (which explains why it has been around the same spot for almost all of my live) and that it has covered more than 500.000km on it’s original engine! That means he already did 5 timing belt services. The owner told me he absolutely adores it, even though it’s become a bit rough around the edges. He was playing with the thought of selling it, but the fact that it is mechanically in great shape, and doesn’t have any structural rust, and is amazing to drive holds him back. He was kind of gauging my interest after I told him I went to check out a BX before. It would make a nice parts hauler, hmm...

The owner claims this is the last remaining official van conversion in the Netherlands, as they all rusted away at the rear side windows, where the glass has been replaced by a plate that leaves a gap when it warps over time (he keeps that in check, and thus only has a minor rust spot there)

Illustration for article titled DOTS: BX Van
Illustration for article titled DOTS: BX Van