Goodbye Oppo!

Illustration for article titled Goodbye Oppo!
Photo: Me
Illustration for article titled Goodbye Oppo!
Photo: Me
Illustration for article titled Goodbye Oppo!
Photo: Me

Thanks Oppo for all the great posts and comments, for finding people to make me feel at home when I went to Canada, and most of all for me finding this group of slightly-crazy guys that make multiple roadtrips through Europe every year. Oppo will for always be lodged in my mind.


If you want to keep up to date on the slow progress on my Renault 17 restoration, or my other adventures, you can follow my instagram:

Illustration for article titled Goodbye Oppo!
Photo: Me

Or if you want to become part of our Euro-biased (but open to anyone) meet/offtopic Whatsappgroups send an email to