Torchbug heading home

In half a day Torchbug will be back in its original Heimat of Deutchland! Torchbug is an immigrant though, so it’ll spend most its time in the airport, waiting to be flown back to its new home in the US. Bugs aren’t the most optimal flyers, so I’ll accompany it on its journey.

Torchbug realizes this GTi is even better to drive than its own offspring
Torchbug realizes this GTi is even better to drive than its own offspring

From Düsseldorf it’ll fly to Boston and be driven all over New England. It’ll get a new owner somewhere close to Cape Cod.

Not the actual route, but it does include all the places it will spend the night:


In the mean time I let it refriend the 1988 Peugeot 205 GTi.

Torchbug looking at other bugs. Bugs slain by the mighty lion.
Torchbug looking at other bugs. Bugs slain by the mighty lion.
Torchbug in its lodge.
Torchbug in its lodge.

Torchbug had met this GTi before though, at the Oppo/LaLD meet at the awesome Louwman Museum at The Hague. They had many of its ancestors and offspring there.

Everyone present at the Louwman Museum meet. Torchbug isn’t visible. Did it take the picture?
Everyone present at the Louwman Museum meet. Torchbug isn’t visible. Did it take the picture?